
Showing posts from November, 2016

Makalah English Syntax SUBJECT, PREDICATE AND PREDICATOR (Characteristics of Subject, Predicate, and Predicator)

Makalah English Syntax SUBJECT, PREDICATE AND PREDICATOR (Characteristics of Subject, Predicate, and Predicator) This Paper is Writen to complete the assignment of SYNTAX lesson that coordinating by Mrs. Nurlaila, S.Pd, M.Pd Writen by : Group I                  Abdul rajab 102304819                  Zulfahmi R 102304838                 Desi Novita 102304802                   Dewiyani 102304814 TARBIYAH DEPARTMENT STATE ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF MALIKUSSALEH LHOKSEUMAWE 2012/2013 CONTENTS PREFACE ............................................................................................................. i CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... ii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1 1.1. Background .............................