Grammatical Aspect Of Language

Grammatical Aspect Of Language

Aspect is grammatical category along with tense and mood. It is a formal property of language which differs from one language to another in a way a language distinguishes a large number of formal aspect, while others distinguish none at all. Even languages that do not mark aspect formally ,however, can convey such distinctions by the use of adverbials, serial verb construction or other means. It is clear that not all languages have inflections or special words to mark aspect but most languages can express the meanings which are embedded in the aspectual categories.

1.      The notion of aspect

These are different views on aspect by different grammarians, among them, for example, is hartmann and strok’s views, who define aspect as ‘’ a grammatical category of the verb marked by prefixes, suffixes or internal vowel changes indicating not so much is location in the tense but the duration and type of the action expressed.
Comrie states that ‘’ aspect are different ways of viewing the internal temporal consistuency of a situations. ‘’while smith’’has an interesting view on aspect in his ‘’camera-metaphor’’, he mentions that ‘’aspectual viewpoint function like the lens of a camera, making object vible to the receiver. Situations are the object on which viewpoints lenses are trained.
Quirk et al. And greenbaum and quirk view aspect as ‘’ a grammatical category which reflects the way in which the verb is regarded or experienced with respect to time.
While gramely and patzold explain that aspect is not concerned with relating the time of the situations to any other time point, but rather with the internal temporal consistuency of the situations.
Richards et al. Identify aspect as that grammatical category which deals with how the event described by a verb is viewed such as it is in progress, habitual, repeated, momentary,etc. He also mentions that aspect may be indicated by refixes, suffixer or other categories of a verb.
The above definitions emphasize the relationship between aspect and the duration of the action denoted by the verb. Among all these definitions, the definition by comrie is the most comprehensive. It draws a clear distinction between ‘aspect and tense’. One can realize the difference between situation-internal time (aspect) and situation-external time(tense).
 From these it can be concluded that aspect refers to the internal temporal consistuency of an event or the manner in which the action of the verb is distributed through the time-space continuum.

2.      The notion of time, tense, and aspect

It can be noticed that ‘aspect’ does not occur alone but it always occurs with ‘tense’. They relate the happening described by the verb to time in the past, present, or future. Aspect is a difficult concept to grasp because it tends to conflate with the concept of tense.
The main diference between tense and aspect is that the former is concerned with relating a situation to a time-point, that is , situation-external time. While the letter deals with the internal temporal consistuency of a situation, that is, situation-internal time.
It is worth mentioning that time refers to the possibility for relating situations to the time in discussing the internal temporal contour of a situation, for instance, in discussing whether it is possible to be represented as a point or as a stretch on the time line. The internal temporal contour of a situation refers to the conceptual basis for the notion of aspect which indicates the grammaticalisation of expression of internal temporal consituency. Thus , the difference between
(1) a. John was singing
b. john is singging
in english is one of tense which distinguishes a location before the present moment and a location including the present moment, while the difference between :
(2) a. John was singging
b. john sang
is one of aspect because both sentence are in the past tense, while they indicate different asf cts (2a) is in the progressive aspect, it shows the non-completion of the singging while (2b) is in the perfrective aspect which determines the completion of the action.
Tense and aspect are two interrelated element that can not be studied separately. Dahl regasd tense as deictic categories which relate time points to the moment of speech while aspect is as non-deictic category, that is, in relates time point to the moment of event.

3.      Grammatical aspect in english

Grammatical aspect is represented differently in different languages. For instance, in some languages, it is realized by prefixes, suffixes or other categories of the verb. There are different views concerning the number of the type of grammatical aspect in english. Some grammarians distinguished two main types of aspect, for example, comrie classifies grammatical aspect into 2 main types : perfective and imperfective : the former indicates the situations of short duration while the letter indicates the situations of long duration. While others draw a distinction between four types of grammatical aspect, these are : simple, perfect, progressive and perfect progessive aspect. For instance, celce-murcia and larsen-freeman distinguish four types of grammatical aspect in english :


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